(Extended HEA)
​Dad?” Austin asks as he shovels a fistful of popcorn in his mouth.
“Don’t talk until you chew all that. Don’t want you to choke.”
He nods and chews. While I wait for him to gulp that down, I take a bite of my nachos as we sit in the stands at the high school football game.
On my other side, Ella jumps up and down on her chair. “Hi, Mommy!” Down on the field, my gorgeous wife waves at us, and my daughter lifts her pom-poms in the air.
My daughter is decked out in a mini-cheer outfit just like the girls on the field. My wife hand-stitched the costume, and Ella is obsessed with it.
“Honey, sit down. I don’t want you to fall.”
She holds out her hand, and I help her sit. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, princess.”
Austin tugs on my shirt. “When I get bigger, can I tumble at the games like Gabe?”
“Sure thing.” Because Paige coaches the cheerleading squad at the high school now, she also pulls in the different cohorts from All-Star Cheer to do halftime exhibitions. “Think you still might want to tumble if Gabe decides to do football next year?”
Austin thinks about that as he steals one of my chips. “Maybe.”
“There’s no rush to figure it out. Do what you love. I’ll support you either way.”
He gives me a big grin that’s dripping in nacho cheese, and I chuckle.
Because it’s alumni night, the stands are packed with people I went to high school with. My ex-wife is here too, sitting in another section. When we make eye contact, we both nod politely.
“Austin, your mom’s here. Wanna go say hi?”
He shrugs. “I don’t wanna miss Mommy’s thingy.”
Amber is Mom, and Paige is Mommy. That was Austin’s decision. Gabriel calls my ex by her first name, and Paige is Mom. Again, his decision.
Things were rough for a while with Amber after I filed for sole custody. She eventually agreed to get therapy and confessed she had a drug problem. I’ll admit she’s worked hard to get sober. She stops over sometimes to see the boys, but they’re still reluctant to spend time with her. I won’t force them. Maybe over time they’ll build a relationship if she keeps making an effort.
In order to get into my house, she had to apologize to Paige for how she treated her and promise to keep things civil. She agreed, and since then, we haven’t had any problems. My wife, being the sweetheart that she is, even invited Amber over for Christmas last year so she could spend the holidays with the boys, but Amber declined.
The principal takes the mic. “Welcome to Alumni Night! We’re so excited to have so many familiar faces here this evening. We’re kicking off our halftime show with one of our favorite alums, Coach Walker! Paige is a Lone Star State graduate and a two-time national cheer champion.”
Paige is wearing her usual coaching gear—jeans and a fitted t-shirt. She waves at the crowd, and a second later, she runs down the track and launches into a series of backflips. Over and over she goes, her lithe body tossing through the air effortlessly. Or at least, it looks effortless. I know how hard she works to stay in shape like that.
The crowd stands and cheers when she lands on the other side of the track with her arms raised triumphantly.
“All right, baby!” I yell. Damn, my little cheerleader is hot.
“Yay, Mommy!” Austin and Ella shout.
Ella’s up on her seat again, and I hold her hand so she doesn’t topple over.
The principal takes the mic again. “Great job, Coach! Next up are our junior tumblers from All-Star Cheer. Let’s hear it for the Storm Squad!”
Gabe and his friends run out onto the track. When the music blasts through the sound system, they launch into their tumbling routine. I shout and cheer with the crowd. I have to admit my son is really talented. I’m not sure if he’ll want to give this up for football.
When they’re done, he runs up to Paige and hugs her, and my heart swells with love for this woman. My sons adore my wife, and it’s obvious how much she loves them in every cookie she bakes for them, every bedtime story she reads to them, and every tumbling routine she patiently teaches them.
I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing wife.
After the game, I wait for Paige by the gym. When she spots me leaning against my truck, her whole face lights up. She jogs to me, and I pick her up and kiss her. “You killed it out there.”
She laughs. “That’s the easiest routine I ever had to do.”
“Well, no one knows that.” I set her down.
Smiling, she glances around. “Where are the kids?”
“I ran into Sylvia, and she asked if the kids wanted to stay with her tonight so they could make s’mores in her backyard.”
Her brows lift. “You mean it’s just us tonight?”
I sweep her into my arms again. “Yup. I was thinking we could go for some ice cream and then maybe take the long way home.”
She nibbles on her bottom lip coyly. “Husband, are you trying to have your way with me?”
“Only if you’re not too tired. Otherwise, we can go home, and I’ll draw you a bath and wash your hair.”
Her eyes go hooded, and I chuckle. “Can we do both?”
I pat her ass. “Your wish is my command, wildflower.”