Freshman year of high school
With a shaky hand, I wipe the sweat from my forehead.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” my best friend Baylee Reyes asks as she eyes me from the other side of my small bedroom. “You look like you’re gonna hurl.”
“I’ll never be able to live with myself if I don’t tell him.” I take a few deep breaths to calm down. “You think Amber’s cheating, right?” Baylee has always had a sixth sense about things. “Because if this is all in my head—”
“I think she’s a ho-bag who’s sleeping around behind his back, yes.”
Um. “Isn’t that slut-shaming? I don’t think you’re supposed to say that.”
Her eyebrow arches. “I can if she’s cheating on Rhett Walker, the most stand-up guy in town.”
That’s the perfect way to describe my brother’s best friend. Rhett is reliable and responsible… not to mention the most handsome man in Wild Heart, Texas. But that’s beside the point. “What do I say? How do I tell him I think she’s sleeping with Kacey Miller?”
Baylee leans toward my mirror and reapplies her lip balm. “Tell him what you told me.”
“What if my words get jumbled like they did when I gave my speech on the plague in history class?”
“Jot down notes this time.”
My shoulders fall. “I had notes for that speech. It didn’t help.”
She smacks her lips together and turns to me. “My mother always tells me not to think about myself. Think about Rhett and how he’s going to ruin his life if he marries that twatwaffle.”
Baylee has a way with words.
Sighing, I pick at my chipped nail polish. Even though I’ve been secretly in love with Rhett for as long as I can remember, I think this would be easier to deal with if I hadn’t seen what I did.
Amber and Rhett are high school sweethearts. Everyone says they’re destined to get married.
And I have exactly two weeks to talk him out of it.
The thought of him being tied to that woman permanently almost makes my breakfast come up.
I’ve known Rhett my whole life. When I was little, he used to carry me on his shoulders and make me crowns from wildflowers. He’d push me in the swings and toss me into the lake. He never minded when I’d tag along with him and my brother. He even sat through my tea parties. Rhett was the one who told me I had a gift for tumbling and encouraged me to pursue gymnastics.
At first, he was just this beautiful boy with big feet and shadows behind his dark eyes, who’d clomp through our house with my older brother Danny.
Rhett was the boy who only ever seemed to smile at me and my brother, which made every laugh I wrung from him meaningful. I knew his home life was rough. That his mother took off when he was young, leaving him and his four younger brothers. I hated that anyone had caused him pain.
In first grade, our teacher was getting married, and I decided right then and there I was going to marry Rhett Walker someday. It didn’t matter that I was six and he was almost sixteen. He was mine. He just didn’t know it yet.
As I got older, and he started to get girlfriends, it dawned on me I was too young, and nothing I ever did would change that.
But when he met Amber, and I saw how he looked at her, I knew it was over. He was in love with her. It was obvious to the whole town.
Amber’s beautiful. She has thick blonde hair, a great smile, and a perfect body. She was the most popular girl in school, which was fitting because Rhett was the captain of the football team. The only problem is she’s nice to your face and a bitch behind your back, which makes me wonder if Rhett knows the real Amber.
The night I heard they got engaged, I locked myself in the bathroom and cried.
I’d finally come to terms with everything when I saw Amber nearly locking lips with Kacey behind the Shake Shack.
A car door slams outside, and my heart races like I’m sprinting the last leg of a marathon. My brother’s laughter spills across the yard and through my open window.
“Oh, God. They’re here.” I press my hand to my stomach.
Baylee grabs my shoulders. “You can do this. Wait until your stepmonster leaves, and then sit his ass down and tell him.”
I nod frantically as Baylee saunters across my room, slides open the window that faces the side yard, and hops out of it like she’s a seasoned cat burglar. “Why don’t you ever use the front door?” I call out.
She turns back to me with a laugh. “That’s too predictable.”
And then I’m alone.
My hands tremble as I grab a stack of notecards. At first, my writing is so wobbly, I can’t even read them.
So I crumple them up, toss them in the trash, and start again. By the time I’m done, I’m pretty sure I’ve developed a stomach ulcer.
Someone knocks on my door. “Wildflower, you hungry?” My eyes sting at Rhett’s nickname for me. “Your brother and I ordered some hoagies. Want one?”
This is the perfect opportunity. “I’ll be there in a sec!” I shove the notecards in the back pocket of my jeans and glance at myself in the mirror. My red hair is straggly, but it’s too late to do anything about that now. I pull it into a high ponytail and smooth down my t-shirt.
I can do this. Rhett deserves to know.
Rhett, Danny, and our half-brother Tyson are hovering at our small kitchen table. At the sight of Rhett, my heart skips a beat like it always does. His shaggy dark hair hangs over his eyes, and when he sees me, his mouth tugs up in a half smile, and he winks. Ugh, I love him so much. I hate that I can’t get over him. He’s freaking ten years older. I know he’ll always think of me as Danny’s kid sister, and it sucks.
Behind him, my stepmother Irma pours something in a Big Gulp container. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s bourbon and Coke.
“Boys, I’ll be at the church potluck this afternoon, but if y’all need anything, just text.” She’s so nice to my brothers. I’m sure my father had no idea she was Satan’s twin sister when he married her. RIP, Dad. He passed away a few years ago after a construction accident at work, and now I’m stuck with bitchy Irma, who thinks this house belongs to her even though it’s been in my mother’s family for two generations.
When she sees me, she stops smiling. “Paige, did you vacuum the house like I told you to?” I nod, but she frowns. “Then make sure you do the dishes too.”
I glance behind her at the huge pile of crap in the sink. “Why don’t the boys ever have any chores? Danny and Tyson made that mess last night.” They got a wild hair up their ass and decided to bake cookies, but they forgot the baking powder, and the cookies didn’t rise correctly.
“Because Danny works all week, and Tyson has extra homework now that he’s in the honors program.”
Tyson, the little shit, smirks at me. He’s only twelve, and a huge pain in my ass, but I still love him. Irma juts out her hip. “Besides, it’s a woman’s job to keep house.”
“Then why don’t you do it?”
The table goes quiet. I’m digging my own grave here, but I’m so tired of doing all the chores. No one cares how much time I put in at the gym for cheerleading. No one cares how much time I spend cleaning the locker rooms and mats because we can’t afford to pay. No one cares that I might be able to go to college on a cheer scholarship. The second I get home, I’m expected to clean up after everyone else.
“Watch your mouth, young lady. You’re lucky you have someone to take care of you.”
Meaning that my dad died, and I have no one else. Thanks for that reminder, Irma. So kind of you.
I look down at the ground. Besides Danny and Rhett, no one ever looks out for me. My nose stings.
“We’ll help you,” Rhett says as he elbows Danny.
My brother nods as he unwraps his sandwich. “We should’ve done the dishes last night, squirt. It’s not fair to you.”
Tyson’s eyes bulge, and he jumps out of his seat with a sandwich that leaves a trail of lettuce in its wake. “Sorry, I’m going to the potluck with Mom.”
See what I mean? Pain in my ass.
I can’t even be mad at Danny. He hasn’t been feeling well lately, which is why he moved back home after college.
As Irma heads for the garage, she calls out, “I want the dishes done by the time we’re back.”
The second the door closes, I give her the finger. Rhett’s warm chuckle almost makes me smile.
Until I remember what I have to do.
“Cheer up, wildflower. Danny and I will get this place cleaned up in no time.” Rhett’s deep voice is so soothing, it makes me emotional.
Don’t cry, Paige. “Thanks,” I whisper. Needing a minute, I wander into the kitchen. “What can I get y’all to drink?”
I’m not sure why I ask because I know what they want. When Danny and Rhett both call out “Root beer!” at the same time, I’ve already grabbed two glass bottles out of the fridge. After I pour myself some water, I return to the table.
Danny is sitting at the far end. My older brother has auburn hair like me, but instead of looking like a carrot, he’s handsome. Rhett parks next to him, and I take the chair across from Rhett. Having a table between us is good. I need some space to say what I need to say.
Today, he’s wearing a gray, long-sleeved Henley that’s seen better days. There’s a hole in the elbow I’d like to patch up for him. My high school offers a sewing class, so I’m taking it as an elective, which helps when I have to alter my clothes from the Goodwill.
I don’t have to see the rest of Rhett to know he’s wearing faded jeans and scuffed brown boots. He works on his family’s ranch, so he’s always looking like he just rolled in some hay. It’s terribly sexy.
“You okay?” His deep voice sends chills up and down my arms.
I wish I could sit next to him so I could smell his cologne better. If I could drown in that woodsy scent, I would.
Clearing my throat, I nod. “I’ll survive. I always do.” I reach into the bag of sandwiches and pull out a roast beef. “Thanks for lunch. What do I owe y’all?”
Danny grabs me in a headlock and noogies my head. “It’s on me, kid.”
A beleaguered sigh leaves my lips. People say you shouldn’t want to grow up too soon, but I’m tired of being fifteen. I’m expected to be responsible but don’t have any freedom.
After a minute, the guys start talking about Rhett’s bachelor party. “No strippers,” he tells my brother. “Amber would shit a brick house if I get my face between tits that aren’t hers.”
Danny chuckles, and I want to crawl under the table and die. Rhett looks at me sheepishly. “Sorry, Paige. I shouldn’t be saying that kind of stuff around you.”
I shrug because what am I supposed to say?
Danny tosses a pickle at his best friend. “Well, if I was dating someone with a rack like Amber’s, I wouldn’t bother with strippers either.”
I can’t help but glance down at my flat chest. Will my boobs ever get bigger if I stick with gymnastics and cheer? That’s the only downside to what I do. My body is muscular and lean, which I love, but bigger boobs would be great. I’m never going to find a boyfriend if I don’t get a few curves.
Rhett reaches over and smacks Danny. “Stop talking about Amber’s tits or I’ll kick your ass.”
They shit-talk each other for a while, and as I’m nibbling on a tomato, Rhett shakes his head. “I can’t believe we’re walking down the aisle in two weeks. I can’t fucking wait. We went to taste the cake the other day, and she looked so happy. I love putting that smile on her face.”
I’m going to be sick.
“Amber’s cheating on you.” When I realize what I’ve just said, I clamp a hand over my mouth.
My brother coughs, and Rhett’s eyes cut to me. “What did you say?”
I swallow past a boulder-sized lump in my throat. “I, uh, I could be wrong, but I think she’s cheating on you with… with Kacey Miller.”
His eyes go glacial, and he stares at me like I’m a complete stranger. I lean back in my chair as he growls, “Why would you say that?”
Danny frowns. “Jesus, Paige, what the fuck?”
I look down at my lap and rush to spit it out. “I saw her with Kacey a few weeks ago, and when she saw me, she jumped away from him like she was guilty of something. And then she was really nice to me afterward. Amber never talks to me, never, but after that, she was saccharine sweet.”
Finally, I brave a look at Rhett, who frowns. “And?”
And? That’s not enough? I scramble to think of what else to say.
“Amber and Kacey are always talking when no one’s around. Haven’t you noticed that?”
He looks at me like I’m an idiot and rubs a hand over his face. “Paige, that’s a shitty thing to say. You shouldn’t make that kind of accusation without hard facts.”
My eyes sting, but then my brother makes it worse.
Danny’s voice gets soft, almost sympathetic. “Squirt, you’re just a kid. You must’ve misunderstood what you saw. And based on how we all know you feel about Rhett, I think you’re letting those feelings get in the way.”
My breath catches in my throat, and I glare at him. “Danny!” When I glance at Rhett, he’s staring at his meal like it personally offended him.
Danny shrugs. “Just calling it like I see it.”
Everything I’ve said is bad enough, but I have to make things worse. “Amber doesn’t appreciate you, Rhett. She always complains about how much you work and that you smell like cow shit. That you’re too busy to take her on dates and that she wishes you’d get a life. But to your face, she’s all smiles.” It’s so much like Irma and how fake she is, it’s a small wonder they’re not related.
If looks could kill, the one in Rhett’s eyes would pulverize me. “How do you know she said those things?”
I swallow. There’s no way I can tell him Baylee overheard Amber while working in her mom’s salon. “This is a small town. People talk.”
Danny winces. “Paige, you’re embarrassing yourself.”
I swipe at the tears that tumble down my face as I promise myself to never confront someone like this again. What was I thinking? “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m just a kid. What the fuck do I know?” I get up so fast my chair clatters to the ground, and I race to my room and slam the door.
Before my brother can find me to talk, I sneak out the window and sprint into the forest behind our house. If I could run away right now, to another city or state or planet, I would, but I have nowhere to go.
But one thing is sure. I’m going to have to avoid Rhett Walker and his new wife for the rest of my life.
Chapter one starts seven years later. Click below to find out what happens with Paige and Rhett!